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At Milton High School, we provide our students with a great selection of after-school workshops, clubs, trips and tours. Students explore Canadian culture, meet friends and try new things by participating in these events.

Ontario Universities’ Fair

Ontario Universities’ Fair is the only official event with all 21 Ontario universities together in one place! Each Ontario university hosts an exhibition booth and presents information sessions at OUF. Students at Milton went to the Ontario Universities Fair at Metro Toronto Convention Center on Sep 22, 2017. All the students had a great opportunity to gain useful information from the universities they intend to apply.

Trips and Excursions

We organize fun field trips to different attractions in Toronto, including CN tower, the Toronto Zoo, Canada’s Wonderland, and the Toronto Islands. Students may also participate in our trips to many great Canadian cities and tourist destinations, such as Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City.

Kingston-Thousand Island Cruise Tour in October 2017

Canada’s Wonderland Field Trip in May 2018

Canada’s Wonderland is a monumental location in Canada as it symbolizes much of the growth of this nation. This semester, our ENG4U we introduced to the concept of “The Canadian Dream”, an idea which continue to be further scrutinized and re-fabricated as time progresses. We spent a couple hours travelling around the park, observing symbols of “The Canadian Dream” and going on rides for the rest of the day. This fun in the sun experience gave students the chance to create their own view of this concept and so watch it come to life before their eyes, thereby creating their own definition of the Canadian Dream.

Our MCR3U students observed the motions of different rollercoasters and had the opportunity to model the relevant functions learned in the classroom. After the trip, students used Desmos to develop their own rollercoaster by using at least three different functions and applying restrictions to the domains and range to connect all the functions together. Hence, all students had the opportunity to elaborate on their classroom learning and conversely, take the learning acquired on the field and use it to complete assignments in the classroom.

Festivals & Events

Toronto is the economic and cultural center of Canada. Our location in the Greater Toronto Area provides great opportunities for students to experience the multi-cultural environment and participate in various festivals and events. The highlighted events include the Canadian National Exhibition, Doors Open Toronto, The Caribbean Parade, Toronto International Film Festival, the Nuit Blanche, and Santa Claus Parade.

Student Events

After school, students are encouraged to participate in engaging and fun activities to pursue their interests, meet new people and to improve their leadership skills.

As part of the school program, students are invited to take part in a number of fun and stimulating field trips, where they have the opportunity to learn outside the classroom setting and explore the applications of the theoretical knowledge acquired in their courses.

Some of the field trips at Milton High School include: Day trip to Canada’s Wonderland, Cineplex, and Plays. For example, at Cineplex students had a fun time watching a movie that then discussed as part of their ESL and English classes. They had the opportunity to engage in fun and interactive discussions in the classroom, and complete an assignment to reflect on their learning.


Graduation from Ontario high schools requires students to finish 40 hours of volunteer work. Volunteering is highly valued in Canada as it enhances students’ portfolio. Engaging in the community will help international high school students to better understand the Canadian society, to practice English, to improve their interpersonal skills, and to explore community resources and potential career opportunities. Milton High School strives to assist students in finding volunteer positions and organize volunteer opportunities. We have worked with the Terry Fox Foundation, and the Food Bank and Veteran Affairs Canada to engage students in the community. Previous successful volunteering events include charity sales for the Terry Fox Foundation, sandwich making for the homeless, and poppy flower selling at Remembrance poppy.